Wednesday, 21 June 2017

What is a Couture Moment?
Important Summer Solstice Thoughts!

This is a bona fide Couture Moment of Freddie Aranda and me in the Hong Kong food market!

One of my dearest friends, the great, late Andre de sa Pessoa of on aura tout vu once comforted me when I spilled a glass of champagne at a summer haute couture gala several years ago in Paris (where else, actually)????  "Don't worry, darling, you're just having a Couture Moment'".  Couture Moments came to mean laughing and crying within five minutes, klutzy behaviour, rips in clothes and the occasional wardrobe malfunction.  In other words, if you slip up, no problem!  It's couture!  Atelier style!  Still in the stages of experimentation!  We just make it look good!  We really don't know if it's going to work!  But we're almost 100% sure it will!  Still it might not!  So just laugh and call it a Couture Moment if something goes wrong!  And it might!  Maybe!

Here are some Couture Moment images, some very personal:

This Couture Moment went well for Yves Saint Laurent in Morocco!

This Couture Moment went well for the Queen of the Summer of Love, Jeanne Rose, in the hip huggers, and made me want to get into fashion!

Christian Lacroix Haute Couture Moment.  What no one knows is how much my feet hurt! (Photographed by Frederic Aranda).

I'm bringing my hardcore particle physicist boyfriend Bruce to the Paris shows in a couple of weeks.  He DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A COUTURE MOMENT IS!!!!  LOL!!!!  HE'LL LEARN FAST!!!  BECAUSE HE IS  FAST LEARNER!!!

Couture Moment Passport.  Don't try this with one of those passport photo machines!  Frederic Aranda took it!  And Mario Testino took Anna Wintour's!  And Cecil Beaton took Greta Garbo's!

Couture Moment Portrait with junk jewels from Harajuku shops in Tokyo.  Again, by Frederic Aranda (who else)?

Couture Moment portrait by Gladys Perint Palmer

Couture Moment with Livi and Yass of on aura tout vu and James Krohn of Neiman Marcus

When all else fails, put on some great clothes and lie down.  That's a Couture Moment, and Frederic Aranda caught this one.

Hope this has helped you to understand Couture Moments!  Because Enquiring Minds really do want to know!  Have a great summer!
Little Missy

Learning About Fashion Rodarte Spring Summer 2011, photographed at Stanford University for Electric Fashion, the book I wrote with F...