Little Missy's Etiquette Refresher
How to Behave in a Private Club
The Battery SF
After a recent tour of private clubs in San Francisco and at Stanford University, Little Missy is compelled to put forth a what I call an Etiquette Refresher. So appalling was the behaviour of some club members and their friends that this simply must be stopped. If you are fortunate enough be be a member of The Battery, San Francisco's elite club for the primarily young and wealthy tech sector, this does not give you leave to grunt loudly at your table like an animal in the forest, to use profanity at decibels the rest of the room must hear and to ignore your fellow member at the bar because you are too busy looking at your cell phone. I have seen countless beautiful women sitting alone while tech bros were too busy texting or just being clueless to offer to buy a drink. Little Missy Warning: Men In Shorts
The City Club of San Francisco
Just because the City Club's architecture is Aztec Deco with murals by Diego Rivera doesn't mean that it is OK to walk in for dinner in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts or ask someone you do not know at a party if you can have your picture taken with them. For heaven's sake, stop the insanity! And as for Little Missy's stalker, it's Chanel all right, now go away! A private club is not a venue for whipping out a cell phone and asking a stranger to take a photograph of you with someone you don't know. Little Missy Warning: Men in Shorts
Villa Taverna
Even though Diego Rivera had roots in this club as well, it's clearly stated in the rules that to sit in the front room, gentlemen must wear a coat and tie and jeans are not allowed. The rules were bent for me once as a "once only" when two designers I was hosting a party for came in wearing jeans (they never wear anything else). And don't think about pulling out a cell phone here, even to text. And don't exchange business cards here or make deals or hit people up for money if you are a fundraiser. It is simply not done here, although Little Missy has certainly seen it attempted!
Stanford Faculty Club
Despite appearances to the contrary, Stanford Faculty Club is the most elite of the clubs I have mentioned for the simple reason that you have to be a Stanford Faculty member to join. This however does not stop distressingly low brow behaviour such as atrocious dressing. Little Missy Warning: Men In Shorts. e= mc squared all right, and sometimes I think "m c" stands for morons completely!
Well that's it, Little Missy's Take on the Demise of Civilisation!
How to Behave in a Private Club
The Battery SF
After a recent tour of private clubs in San Francisco and at Stanford University, Little Missy is compelled to put forth a what I call an Etiquette Refresher. So appalling was the behaviour of some club members and their friends that this simply must be stopped. If you are fortunate enough be be a member of The Battery, San Francisco's elite club for the primarily young and wealthy tech sector, this does not give you leave to grunt loudly at your table like an animal in the forest, to use profanity at decibels the rest of the room must hear and to ignore your fellow member at the bar because you are too busy looking at your cell phone. I have seen countless beautiful women sitting alone while tech bros were too busy texting or just being clueless to offer to buy a drink. Little Missy Warning: Men In Shorts
The City Club of San Francisco
Just because the City Club's architecture is Aztec Deco with murals by Diego Rivera doesn't mean that it is OK to walk in for dinner in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts or ask someone you do not know at a party if you can have your picture taken with them. For heaven's sake, stop the insanity! And as for Little Missy's stalker, it's Chanel all right, now go away! A private club is not a venue for whipping out a cell phone and asking a stranger to take a photograph of you with someone you don't know. Little Missy Warning: Men in Shorts
Villa Taverna
Even though Diego Rivera had roots in this club as well, it's clearly stated in the rules that to sit in the front room, gentlemen must wear a coat and tie and jeans are not allowed. The rules were bent for me once as a "once only" when two designers I was hosting a party for came in wearing jeans (they never wear anything else). And don't think about pulling out a cell phone here, even to text. And don't exchange business cards here or make deals or hit people up for money if you are a fundraiser. It is simply not done here, although Little Missy has certainly seen it attempted!
Stanford Faculty Club
Despite appearances to the contrary, Stanford Faculty Club is the most elite of the clubs I have mentioned for the simple reason that you have to be a Stanford Faculty member to join. This however does not stop distressingly low brow behaviour such as atrocious dressing. Little Missy Warning: Men In Shorts. e= mc squared all right, and sometimes I think "m c" stands for morons completely!
Well that's it, Little Missy's Take on the Demise of Civilisation!