Sunday, 26 October 2014

Letter From London
Frieze Art Fair October 2014
But We'll Be Discussing What They Wore!

Frieze London is one of the world's leading contemporary art fairs, occurring each October and turning the city into a frenzy with 30,000 fervid devotees descending into town.  That doesn't mean you'll see great art, although you also just might--the fact is, if you have enough money for a booth, you can buy your way into the fair, and as we all know, taste is often not indicated by money.  So let's talk about what they wore!  The young man in the first picture is quintessentially British looking whether he is or not.  I think he probably is.  The two girls in the second shot look like they may be visiting.  They look cute and happy.  The man in the third image is very dashing.  He could be from anywhere, perhaps from New York?  I love his style.

Now for these three.  I love the guy with the Afro. It shows he has heart and respect for the Old School. The girl in the next picture looks like she's taken posing lessons from Gwyneth Paltrow.  So not good.  The third guy looks handsome, but shell shocked. A lot of men wore those scarves like that but confidentially it really wasn't that cold. It's more like that was the Frieze look for guys.
Now for this last batch  Who doesn't like couple who look happy together except a misanthrope?  Some of the art truly sucked, and it was uplifting to see beautiful people smiling and happy.  The second guy here is a serious fashionista.  I don't know what he knows about art, but he knows how to put a navy blazer together with pink and gray geometric print trousers and for this he gets my seal of approval.  This third couple next to the bronze Yayoi Kusama pumpkins at Victoria Miro Gallery look familar...why yes, it's Little Missy and Vladimir Adamovic!  Right in there with the right groove for Frieze!  Well that's it!  Frieze frames of fashion!

Learning About Fashion Rodarte Spring Summer 2011, photographed at Stanford University for Electric Fashion, the book I wrote with F...