Looking for the Green Light!
No New Year Resolutions!
Leo Looking for the Green Light in The Great Gatsby
Little Missy was watching television news early one morning this past week. Some new miracle face cream was being advertised. "Expression lines virtually disappear"! Expression lines (wrinkles???) virtually disappear (are photo shopped???) Who are these cruel monsters preying upon women as we awaken and get ready for our days? Expression lines? Embrace them! Virtual disappearance? Photo shopping! Embrace this art form too, but understand it! It's branding!
We can all use a fresh spin once in a while! Re-inventing can be a good thing! Look at Madonna! Impressive! And she goes to the branding master, Pascal Dangin. Pascal brands everyone! LVMH, movie stars, rock stars, everybody! Everybody except Chanel, and he even worked for them until he told Karl that Karl was a lousy photographer! LOL ouch! Then Pascal got fired from Chanel, but he is known as "The Photo Whisperer" in the business. That means that if Pascal chooses, and he usually does, Expression Lines Virtually Disappear! Wow! Magic!
Pascal Dangin is the Virtual Disappearance Guy!
Little Missy took a hiatus over the holidays. For one thing, I was tired as I had spent most of the past year travelling. Secondly, I did not want to do one of those New Year Resolution Lists. Hello! Little Missy does not believe in New Year Resolutions, or any other promises she cannot keep! But here is an idea I read about on Facebook:
Sitting is the new smoking!
What about Anna Wintour having the new wing of the Costume Institute at the Met named for her? OMG!
Here is the main thing, maybe! Look for that green light and pass through! At a legal speed! No traffic tickets, please! Happy New Year Everybody! Best in 2014!
Photographed by the master, Frederic Aranda in Hyde Park
Pascal Dangin is the Virtual Disappearance Guy!
Little Missy took a hiatus over the holidays. For one thing, I was tired as I had spent most of the past year travelling. Secondly, I did not want to do one of those New Year Resolution Lists. Hello! Little Missy does not believe in New Year Resolutions, or any other promises she cannot keep! But here is an idea I read about on Facebook:
Sitting is the new smoking!
What about Anna Wintour having the new wing of the Costume Institute at the Met named for her? OMG!
Here is the main thing, maybe! Look for that green light and pass through! At a legal speed! No traffic tickets, please! Happy New Year Everybody! Best in 2014!
Photographed by the master, Frederic Aranda in Hyde Park